Welcome to A to Z Quality Fencing, where innovation in fence building is our top priority. Today, we’re excited to share our first “What’s Going On at A to Z Quality Fencing” video discussing our cutting-edge no mess no dig fence installation.
At A to Z Quality Fencing, we’re always seeking innovative solutions to build high-quality fences that are both efficient and durable. Our no mess, no dig fence installation method is just one example of our commitment to providing superior fencing solutions that meet the needs of homeowners and businesses.
Some people still believe that the old process of pouring concrete around a vinyl post is the only way to set it in the ground effectively. However, we’re here to tell you that there’s a better way and clear up misconceptions. Concrete may have been around for a long time, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to set posts. Our method of pounding is not only more efficient, but it also provides better fence quality and durability.
Read on to understand more and how the following statements are nothing but false:
- Myth #1 – Concrete is stronger
- Myth #2 – Pounding is cheaper and that’s why fence companies use it
- Myth #3 – Pounding only benefits the contractor
Fence Post Quality
The quality of the fence materials used to construct your fence will impact the quality of your installation. In our video, we focus on the quality of vinyl fencing.
Most fence companies use standard 0.135″ thick, hollow vinyl posts set in concrete to build vinyl fences.
Our company prides itself on using only the highest quality materials for our vinyl fencing. Our vinyl posts are 0.147″ thick, with a galvanized steel post and high-density stiffeners inside to strengthen them further.
Fence Post Installation
Regarding any fence installation, it’s essential to consider how deep the post should go. Most fence companies embed posts in concrete about two and a half to three feet deep into the ground. However, we take it to the next level by driving a two-and-a-half-inch galvanized steel post five feet into the ground. This method ensures that our posts stay grounded, even in areas with a 48-inch frost line, such as Wisconsin and Minnesota.
But why choose driving over concrete, especially when working with vinyl? Well, first and foremost, concrete doesn’t adhere well to vinyl materials, leading to unpredictable results as time goes on. The vinyl post may contract and expand as temperatures change, eventually causing it or its concrete setting to pop out of the ground completely. We eliminate this issue by driving a galvanized steel post into the ground below the frost line and covering it with a vinyl sleeve, resulting in a much more durable fence.
Secondly, contrary to popular belief, the weakest part of a fence is at the ground level, not the material at the bottom of the post holding it into the ground. It’s at the point where the earth meets the fence where wind loads are strongest, and potential breakage can occur. A vinyl post set in concrete is hollow at ground level. It will suffer damage before a vinyl post containing a galvanized steel post.
We recently completed a fence spanning three-quarters around a yard. Previously, one of our competitors had used concrete in a similar installation on the other side the year prior. They used a hollow 0.135 post, which made their fence move quite a bit when pushed. In contrast, we used steel posts to stabilize our 0.147 vinyl posts. Even when shaken similarly, our post did not move a single section down the line. (Watch this in the video. It illustrates why steel posts are a more sturdy installation and provide a better result.)
Fence Costs
We’ve heard people claim that the no dig fence installation method is cheaper to install, and that’s why fence companies use it. In actuality, pounding posts is more expensive in terms of materials than concrete-set fence. For example, a bag of concrete mix costs approximately $4 per bag versus a steel post which costs up to $35 per post plus $4 per high-density stiffener (most posts require 2 stiffeners per post). Therefore it’s clear there is no cost benefit for this alternative method.
Pounding posts does save time and reduce labor costs. Unfortunately, some fence companies argue that this method cuts corners and only benefits the contractor. However, this is false. We take pride in our quick installation, averaging 200 ft of fencing a day per installation crew. This timely and efficient fence installation provides significant benefits to our clients too.
Five (5) Client Benefits for No Mess, No Dig Fence Installation
- Fast Installation
- Cleaner Installation
- More Durable Installation
- Easy, Less Expensive Repairs
- Works in Challenging Conditions
Fast Installation
One clear advantage for the customer is timely fence installation. Often, we complete no mess no dig fence installation in a day. (Versus concrete-set installation where the concrete needs time to cure.) So, our method is the better option for people that need quick and efficient fencing installments.
Cleaner Installation
We call it “no mess” for a reason. We can pound the galvanized steel poles into your virgin soil without digging up your yard, creating dirt piles, and displacing your grass, plants, and landscaping. We don’t bring big, heavy equipment into your yard, creating ruts or damaging your lawn.
More Durable Installation
Using a galvanized steel post pounded below the frost line and running throughout the fence post makes a fence more durable against the elements at ground level, where fences are the weakest. In addition, the fencing material is a sleeve that covers the galvanized steel post above ground only. By not burying the fence material, the fence is more durable because it’s not subject to underground rot or rust that may shorten its lifespan. (Galvanized steel doesn’t rust.)
Easy, Less Expensive Repairs
While our video didn’t touch upon this benefit, it’s worth noting. If a fence post is damaged, it’s easy to remove the sleeve covering the pounded galvanized steel post and replace it with another one. At most, it will take a couple of hours to repair a damaged post. In a concrete set fence, the repair will take several days. First, the damaged post and concrete footing need to be dug out. Then after a new cement footing is poured and a new post set, the fence can be reassembled.
Install in Challenging Conditions
Finally, it’s worth noting that the no mess no dig fence installation method works in challenging conditions where a concrete set would be impossible. We can pound posts into the frozen ground, concrete slabs, rock, and other substrates you cannot dig through.
Final Thoughts on No Mess No Dig Fence Installation
We’ve seen issues with both types of fence installation when installers did not take the time to do it right. At our company, we feel confident about using the no mess no dig fence installation method when installing vinyl or any other fence. It’s a superior method, and we hope this article and video helped you consider the pros and cons of both installation methods and choose the one that’s right for you!
Stay tuned for more updates and innovative solutions from your trusted fence builders. We offer quality fencing with a “no mess no dig fence installation,” and we warranty it with a 10-year labor warranty plus an additional warranty on the fence materials. Please give us a call to learn more or get a free online quote today!