Protecting Your Garden from Deer with Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum Fencing

If you live in an area with deer, you know they can wreak havoc on your garden. But did you know that aluminum fencing is an effective way to keep them out? This blog post will explore how aluminum fencing can help protect your garden from deer damage. Read on to learn more!

The Problem with Deer in Gardens

There is no denying that deer are beautiful animals. Still, they can cause serious problems once they enter a garden and establish the area as a food source. Eating flowers, destroying plants, and breaking structures, deer can do an incredible amount of damage in just a handful of trips.

While it might be challenging to keep these graceful creatures away from your garden, there are preventative measures such as fencing, specific plants that deer do not like, and sprinklers that can deter them from staying and grazing when they enter your space. Utilizing humane methods to keep deer away from gardens is vital to protect people’s properties and the environment around us.

How Fencing Can Deter Deer

Deer looking at garden through an aluminum fence

It’s easy to feel dread during the summer months when deer ravage beautiful backyards overnight. Fencing is a great tool to utilize if you’re looking for an easy way to deter deer. However, Whitetail deer can jump up to 8 feet from a standing position and are just as likely to try to go through or under fencing, so only some types of fences will work to deter deer!

Deer generally conserve their energy, so a six-foot fence may be enough to encourage deer to bypass your garden and move on to your neighbors (sorry, neighbor). On the other hand, an eight-foot fence is usually enough to discourage deer from jumping the fence altogether.

There are “deer-proof” fences, such as eight-foot wire mesh or electrical fencing. However, the fencing is not attractive and may not be feasible in your location. Alternative fencing options will deter deer and can go a long way toward keeping out these potential intruders indefinitely!

Not only is fencing simple and effective, but it’s also the most efficient way to protect your garden from browsing animals. Once installed, your fence doesn’t require additional action to keep wildlife away, unlike sprays or other deterrents.

The Benefits of Using Aluminum as a Garden Deer Fence

metal garden fencing, aluminum garden fence

Aluminum fencing is one of the most low-maintenance ways to protect your garden from deer. It comes in various styles with different picket widths and heights. The closely spaced pickets are installed flush to the ground leaving no gaps for deer to crawl under or through.

While lightweight, aluminum is durable and will withstand the pressure applied by wildlife on the outside of the fence. Aluminum is also corrosion-resistant and can withstand the elements often accompanying outdoor gardening. Its slim profile also allows more airflow and sunshine. Unlike other materials that may be too dense, your garden has access to need elements without risking an unwelcome animal intruder.

In addition to the many benefits of aluminum fencing, they look beautiful and add to your landscape instead of being an eye sore! Therefore, investing in an aluminum fence is the perfect solution if you’re looking for an effective way to keep deer at bay without compromising aesthetics.

How to Get an Aluminum Deer Fence for Your Garden

gate in garden fence

An aluminum fence is a great way to deter deer without sacrificing the beauty of your outdoor space. A to Z Quality Fencing offers aluminum fencing in various styles, colors, heights, and options in industrial, commercial, and residential grades.

We recommend installing a six-foot commercial-grade fence at a minimum and preferably an eight-foot industrial-grade aluminum fence, depending on how much of a deterrent you want the fence to be. We manufacture our own ornamental aluminum fence products, so getting the desired materials is easy!

Besides offering fencing installation with the highest quality aluminum available, our experienced staff can also provide helpful advice on the best type of fence for your specific needs. With A to Z Quality Fencing, you’ll surely get the perfect deer deterrent fence for the garden that both looks great and effectively keeps deer at bay. And with their quality materials and expert craftsmanship, you can trust that your fence will last for years.

In Conclusion

Before beginning your journey to secure an aluminum deer fence, research local codes and regulations. If you genuinely need a deer-proof fence and can install one, we recommend researching mesh and electrical fencing. Suppose a strong deterrent, such as aluminum fencing, will work for you – in that case, we can help you select the perfect blend of durability and aesthetics!

Installing a deer fence is the best way to keep deer out of your garden and protect your plants. Aluminum fencing is a practical, attractive, and affordable option that will last for years. Use our online design and quoting tool for a free estimate on your fence, or contact us today! With a little effort, you can keep deer away from your garden and enjoy watching your plants grow without worry.


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Premium Rails

Much like our fence pickets, our company takes care to only build with rails with minor defects. Taking the time to use premium fence materials helps ensure your family can enjoy the security and privacy of your new fence for years to come.

Decorative Details

Our team is committed to going the extra mile in every detail of your fence project.

Customize your fence project by asking about our add-ons we offer: decorative post caps, trim, and custom railings.

Stronger Posts

We understand that your fence is only as strong as your posts. This is why we take great care to use the strongest posts, free of defects. We not only offer heavy-duty wood posts but our no-mess, no-dig installation adds a galvanized steel post inside the wooden post for an even stronger post.

All high-quality posts are built to ensure that your fence stands strong for years.

Better Fence Pickets

We build with only the best fence pickets. These are not the typical fence pickets anyone can buy from the local big-box stores. We have partnered with suppliers to provide the highest quality wood fencing materials.

Stronger Top Rails

The Modern Aluminum Fence top rails are routed into the posts creating an even stronger fence installation! The U channels are screwed to the frame and the entire fence is quickly assembled on-site using our no-mess, no-dig installation.

Modern, Sleek Design

A to Z Quality Fencing’s proprietary Modern Aluminum Fence features one of the most modern, sleek designs on the market. These fences are long-lasting and bring the best of A to Z’s vinyl (including simulated wood finishes) and aluminum products together, allowing for custom fabrication of modern, industrial, privacy fencing.

Stronger Fencing

Compared to wood, vinyl fencing is much stronger. Vinyl fencing is flexible and durable, which helps vinyl out-perform wood fencing in windy conditions and with environmental exposure to UV rays and weather.

Versatile Inlay Options

Want to create a super durable fence that’s as unique as you? With a Modern Aluminum Fence, you can pair A to Z Quality Fencing’s commercial aluminum fence with the inlay that best fits your style. Our vinyl inlay is available in 9 colors including various simulated wood tones, so you can create the exact look you want.

Durable Frame

Modern Aluminum Fence posts are composed of galvanized steel posts covered by our commercial-grade aluminum with its superior powder coat finish to create a stronger, longer-lasting fence that is more than weather-resistant – it will not rust with exposure to the elements!

Easy to Clean

Vinyl fencing can be cleaned easily with a regular garden hose. If you get a little mildew from moisture or shady conditions, you can use a mild dish soap and then spray off the fence with a garden hose. Vinyl fences are very easy to clean, making them a great option for low-maintenance fencing.

More Options Available

Vinyl fencing is available in a wide variety of configurations to match any property, home, or purpose. Iconic, white vinyl picket fences give a feel of classic Americana with that white-picket-fence-style. Darker vinyl fences can be installed to make a space look more elegant or modern. From short picket to tall privacy, vinyl fencing can be designed to enhance your backyard or business.

Strict Standards

All our aluminum fence meets BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators) code. These strict standards ensure your fencing is sturdy, durable, and non-climbable, protecting your property no matter if you are fencing in a business, backyard, or swimming pool!

The BOCA health and safety codes are critical when installing fencing around a swimming pool because they prevent children from getting over, under, or through our aluminum fencing.

Beautiful Vinyl Fences

Vinyl fences are a bright, bold fence choice. Available in a variety of colors, vinyl fencing can be installed in a many configurations to help you enhance the beauty of your property. And, because vinyl isn’t as porous as wood, vinyl fences retain their color and finish much longer than wood fencing so you can enjoy your fence for years to come.

Superior Powder Coating

Our superior powder coating provides a smooth, durable finish, more resistant to chips, scratches, fading, rust, and corrosion than other finishes. This long-lasting, low-maintenance finish results from our application and curing processes that melt the powder particles to create a smooth, continuous, and permanent bond to the aluminum.

In addition, our paint finish meets AAMA (American Architectural Manufacturers Association) specifications.

Custom Fabrication

You’re steps away from a one-of-a-kind aluminum fence made just for you! Our high-quality aluminum fencing comes from our sister company A to Z Fence Supplies. We assemble each aluminum fence to meet your unique design requirements, including color, finials, puppy panels, O-rings, and custom top edges.

Stronger Posts & Hardware

A benefit of choosing our team to install your chain link fence is that we use only the most durable posts and hardware.

Chain-link fences are known for being the last fences standing during hurricanes, tornados, and other severe weather events.

Unparalleled Durability

The weakest point of any fence is where the post comes out of the ground. Our no-mess, no-dig installation process pounds a galvanized steel post into the soil. Then we slide an aluminum post over the galvanized steel posts. A steel post is stronger at ground level than an aluminum post.

Our high-quality aluminum fence, combined with our no-mess, no-dig installation process, creates a highly durable aluminum fence.

Top Quality Rails

We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to ensure your investment is built to last.

Adding a top rail to your chain link fence project creates an extra level of durability and security.

Premium Chain Link Mesh

Our chain link mesh offers a high level of security for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Manufactured with you in mind to provide you with security and beauty at the same time.

Nice Finishing Caps

Our team prides themselves on putting in the little details that make your fence unique to you. Ask your representative about adding premium finishing caps to your Chain Link fence project.